Monday, November 29, 2010

Is This A Proud Moment Too

Spell check anyone?

In what probably was a very proud moment in her career, Christina Aguilera unveilved her Hollywood Walk of Fame star earlier today (Mon. Nov 15) in Hollywood, CA.
The multi-talented entertainer was accompanied by her inseparable mother Shelly Kearns and her brother Michael at the ceremony.  The co-star in the upcoming movie “Burlesque” with Cher looked radiantly happy wearing a white dress and her signature red lipstick. [source]

The correct spelling is unveiled.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Is The Flame Flaming

[photo source]

Is this irony?

A dude named Jordan Monroe claims that he was NEGOTIATING with rapper Flocka's management to have him apear in a PRONO MOVIE. And not just any porno. One with Wacka and THREE DUDES.[source]

1. Waka
2. Appear
3. Porno
4. Fragment

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Happy Happier Happiest

This mistake was a simple one that should have been caught. The correct spelling is happiest.

Friday, November 12, 2010

How Quickly They Forget

How quickly they forget.

Tina Fey cracks me up!   Two years ago Tina Few as Sarah Palin took the world by a storm. and on last night’s David Letterman, she decided to dig her claws into Sarah Palin once more.    Tina said that she was trying to remember how to do the impression of Sarah but is looks like she did not forget. …[source]

It looks like someone forgot and it wasn't TIna. It's Fey not Few. Also, the word "and" should be capitalized.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Smells Like Errors

[photo source]

I hope Mariah isn't relying on this snippet to get the word out about her fragrance.

        Mariah Carey recently visisted Lopez Tonight, and she chatted it up about her pregnancy, amongst other things. Some of those hightlights are below.
         Mariah will launch a line on HSN on November 29th, and will be selling jewelry which will feature some pieces inspired by butterflies, of course. She will also sell shoes and an limited edition version of her fragrence, Lucscious Pink [source]

Here is the correct spelling: visited, highlights, fragrance, luscious

Was There Money Involved

[photo source]

I'm guessing they meant free.

Lil Wayne is a fee man and one of his first orders of business is to throw down an epic party at Miami’s King of Diamonds gentleman’s club. [source]

Lil Wayne is a free man, right?

Saturday, November 6, 2010

If It's Not A Review What Is It

When giving a review please follow through.

BEP’s first single is called “The Time (The Dirty Bit)” and you can check it out below. Sorry I can’t give you a desription, because I shut that mess off after 27 seconds. Enjoy [source]

There have been times when I’m at a loss for words. But when I find the right word I can spell it correctly. I  wish the author had been able to give a description.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Thursday's Tip

Stop using "like" as an adverb. Unless you're Alicia Silverstone who played Cher in Clueless, it's not becoming.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Remembering Fabulosity


Take a look at the lead in to this story and how the outlet blatantly misspelled Kimora’s name.
You're Starting To See Kimura's DAUGHTER'S PERSONAL STYLE Now . . . One's A GIRLY GIRL . . . And The Other Is More Of A FUNKY GAL!!! [source]

There are certain names you don't misspell, and Kimora Lee Simmons, who trademarked the term Fabulosity, is one of them